Joseph Zito was born in 1957 in Brooklyn, NY, where he continues to reside and work.
Solo Exhibitions
New York, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, Joseph Zito Plus Ten, May 17 - August 17
New York, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, The First Thirty Years, 1985-2015, June 11 - September 26
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Tempus Fugit, June 13-September 14
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Not Even The Saints Can Help, September 9-October 16 (catalogue)
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Tomorrow the birds will sing, September 20-October 27
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Joseph Zito: et plus bellum, March 31-April 30
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Joseph Zito: Tintinnabulum, March 20-April 19 (catalogue)
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Joseph Zito: New Sculpture/Works on Paper, November 11-December 18
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Joseph Zito, January 5-February 2 (catalogue)
Rome, Italy, Galleria Il Ponte, Joseph Zito, February 7-March 6 (catalogue)
Milan, Italy, Piero Cavellini & Maria Cilena
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery
St. Louis, MO, The Greenberg Gallery Annex
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery
Rome, Italy, Galleria Il Ponte
Group Exhibitions
New York, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, Salon du Dessin, January 8 - February 21
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, The Early Show, June 19-August 17
Katonah, New York, Katonah Museum of Art, Drawn/Taped/Burned Abstraction on Paper, January 23-May 1
Segovia, Spain, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Esteban Vicente, New York New Drawings 1946-2007, January 27-May 24 (catalogue)
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Flow Chart, July 8-August 15
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Group Exhibition: Gallery Artists, June 24-August 12
Amherst, MA, University Gallery, Fine Arts Center, University of Massachusetts, In the Making: Contemporary Drawings From a Private Collection, February 1-March 14 and March 25-May 16
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, New Year, New York, New Work, January 1-February 16
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, UTZ: A Collected Exhibition, Curated by Stephanie Theodore February 6-March 7
New Orleans, Louisiana Contemporary Arts Center, Delphi: Sculpture by artists in the Netherlands and the United States, May 4-June 30 (catalogue)
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Group Exhibition, September 5-30
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Gallery Artists, Januuary 8-29
Philadelphia Jessica Berwind Gallery, Drawings from 55 Ferris Street, September 10-October 16.Traveled to New York (Wynn Kramarsky) October 29-November 20
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Works on Paper By Gallery Artists, July
New York, Lennon Weinberg, Inc, Sculpture: Robin Hill, Peter Soriano, Joseph Zito, January 7-February 13
Brooklyn, NY, 55 Ferris Street, 55 Ferris Street II, Curated by Frederieke S. Taylor, October 17-November 21 (catalogue)
Brooklyn, NY, 55 Ferris Street, 55 Ferris Street Show, Curated by Frederieke S. Taylor May 30-July 11 (catalogue)
Chicago, IL, Ricky Renier Gallery, DrawingRanges
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Summer Spotlight
Siracusa, Italy, Villa Reimann, Atti (catalogue)
St. Louis, Missouri Greenberg Gallery, Sculpture
New York, Met Life Gallery, Another Dimension/Drawings by Six Contemporary Sculptors
Rome, Italy, Galleria Il Ponte, Per Una Collezione
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Summer
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Sculpture and Drawings
Los Angeles, Blum Helman Gallery, Joseph Zito, Gerald Giamportone
Washington, DC, Baumgartner Galleries Inc, Joseph Zito, Thomas Nozkowski
Washington, DC, Baumgartner Galleries Inc, Within (catalogue)
Turin, Italy, Claudio Bottello Arte, Oltreluce Curated by Marisa Vescova (catalogue)
Palermo, Italy, Total Nova, 1970-Present Curated by Marisa Vescova (catalogue)
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery Scale Small
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Looking at New York
New York, Rosa Esman Gallery, Looking at New York
New York, Damon Brandt Gallery
New York, Rastovski Gallery
Exhibition Catalogues
- Joseph Zito: The First Thirty Years, 1985 - 2015 with essay by Damon Brandt Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, New York, 2016
- Joseph Zito: Tintinnabulum Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, New York, 1997
- 55 Ferris Street w/ Introduction by Frederieke S. Taylor 55 Ferris Street, Brooklyn, New York, 1992
- 55 Ferris Street II w/ Essay by Nancy Princenthal 55 Ferris Street, Brooklyn, New York, 1992
- Joseph Zito w/ Essay by Saul Ostrow Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, 1990
- Prudential Life, New York
- Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Arthur Anderson & Company, Chicago, Illinois
- Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
- New School University, University of Art Collection, New York
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Weatherspoon Art Museum
- University of Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, California